Sunday 30 November 2014

Christmas Gift Guide... For Her

Happy Sunday Blogees!

Now, yesterday you were hopefully dazzled by our pick of what to put in your F&F's Christmas Stockings. Today, we're taking you through our 15 hottest picks for hardcore ;'main' presents, so to speak. Remember, these presents featured are for the main gals in your life. So don't be tight, sit up straight and focus. This is the big stuff.

1. What a better way to kick off than with a Benefit Gift Box. This beauty masterclass includes some of Benefit's renowned items. We think this would put a huge smile on any lucky recipient's face. Buy me here - £44

2. This gorg bag from Jack Wills is simply divine. It's a great size, and oozes a great country heritage feel. Perfect for those long, after dinner walks with ya gramps. We're a big fan of the combination of fabrics and textures. Absolutely a great gift for Christmas. Buy me here - £59

3. Ahhh. After all the excitement and the early start (inevitably, everyone is up by 5am aren't they? Goes without saying.) Anyway, you can finally chill out with this Spa Candle. It contains subtle hints of Christmas with rich tones of Vanilla and Cinnamon. The great thing about it, is it lasts for 40 hours. So it can last for all the festive period, and not just be one of those forgotten presents hiding at the back of the tree. We all need a bit of calm during Christmas, it can all get a bit much, can't it? Buy me here - £25

4. Ok so it's another giftset. But it's a bloomin gooden. Soap and Glory tackling problematic days, and attempting to brighten them. Hopefully, it shouldn't be needed on actual 25th December. But, it may be required after it's all over, and you're suffering from post Christmas blues. It includes the infamous 'Foam Call' Shower Gel, and 'Pulp Friction' Body Scrub. It's a dead set winner for all the special gals in your life. So you can deffo spoil them with this. Buy me here - £16

5. Ok this one is a biggie. Pretty much any woman you know would kiss you multiple times if you gifted them with this. There is so much variety in this one present, and you could literally reevent yourself so many times. And what girl doesn't want that? With this small toolkit, you can have several different looks,great for all those Christmas lunches/parties/meet ups/outings. Buy me here - £180

6.  Now this one we are so excited about. What better way to document Christmas with this beautifully vintage camera. One of the best things about this camera is that it prints instantly. So you can easily capture all those special moments, that would otherwise disappear in the blink of an eye. These cameras are insanely retro, so if one of your F&F is into retro or vintage things, this may be the perfect present. Buy me here - £160

7. This marvy washbag will excite anyone to get ready. It's a great size, big enough to fit all your bits and bobs in. The Ted Baker design is a winner with most women, so your F&F can be easily pleased with this little gem. Buy me here - £29

8. UGGs are always a welcomed gift in our experience. They're a staple item that will see you/ or a F&F member through the cold, winter months. There is also no better than them when it comes to quality. You may pay more now, but your investment will repay you. Year upon year, you'll be able to pull them out from the wardrobe. Deffo worth a google search. Buy me here - £130

9. This one really will get them excited. We think any kind of gadget is always a good Christmas Pressie to be honest. You get so much use out of them, and they're so multifunctional. As we write now, we use Apple products, and the quality is just second to none. Not only that, but you can get some really jazzy cases and accessories, and who doesn't enjoy pimping? We advise an iPad Mini, because it's adaptable and portable (and fits in a handbag), but if you're looking for a pressie for the workaholic in your fam, maybe look into a normal sized iPad or a Macbook, if you really want to push the boat out. Buy me here - £199 - £299

10. These PJs are what Christmas is all about. The fun animal print makes them perfect for the novelty Christmas present, but actually, are perfectly wearable throughout the year. We always like to receive PJs as presents, because who doesn't like to live in comfort? So at Christmas, they become even more invaluable, because the chances are that you've stuffed yourself silly and now need some comfy clothes to watch the telly in. So we're sure these will be greatly appreciated. Buy me here - £32

11. Now in true Kim Kardashian (or is she called Kim Kardashian West these days?) whatever, in her style, there is a SELFIE PHOTO ALBUM. Yep, for all those lovely pics of you and your mates posing, theres finally a specifically designed album to fit all those selfies in that you hold so dear. Knock yourself out with that one, we think it's actually quite a good idea. Buy me here - £9

12. We can all agree that anyone who recieves a Tiffany box at Christmas will be overcome with joy. That's kinda a given. But can you imagine their sheer- Audrey Hepburn-delight when they discover this joyous bow ring? We're probably cry and then demand a selfie wearing the ring to put in our album. It's simply stunning, so if you've got a special F&F who you think deserves an extra special treat, maybe this is it. Buy me here - £235

13. As if the ring wasn't enough,THERE IS MATCHING EARRINGS. I REPEAT, MATCHING EARRINGS. So whether you are lucky enough to receive the ring, the earrings or better still, BOTH, we can safely say your F&F will probably be reduced to tears. Just look at them, they are beautiful. Ahhh, don't you just love Christmas. Spreading cheer to all the special ones in your life, makes you go all tingly doesn't it? Buy me here - £250

14. This Houndstooth printed scarf from Zara is a bit of a lovely gift too. The classic design means it will never go out of fashion, and the monochrome scheme means it will go with most things. Its also a good size, so you can be wrapped up snug as a bug. You don't have to go all out with the Tiffany y'no, the scarf is just as nice. Buy me here - £25.99

15. Rounding us up nicely is this DIESEL perfume. We know perfume is a typical Christmas present, but thats because its a bloody good one. It's one of those things you rarely buy for yourself, but yet you really appreciate it when somebody else buys it for you. It is meant to represent someone who is irresistible, and I think if we were all honest, we all would like to have that air about us. Buy me here - £29.99 (30ml)

So as you read this on the last day of November, you've seen the stocking fillers, you've seen the main gifts. Now what do you do? Some of you may have already been super organised, and had all the presents in the bag since July. Others may just be about to start the haul of shopping. A few will still be in Christmas denial. Whatever stage you're at, we hope the gift guides can be a help to you in some way. And our apologies for not featuring anything for the males in your life. But maybe they'd appreciate a selfie album too?

Happy shopping!

Until next time,


Saturday 29 November 2014

Christmas Gift Guide... Stocking Fillers

Fellow Blogees,

On the last Saturday of November, we are VERY excited. As you know, our series of 'Christmas Crackers' has been running for a little while now. However, we haven't wanted to fully thrust you into the world of Christmas as we know that for all you Scrooges out there, it's still a little early. Eventually, reality has to be faced, and in two days time, 1st December will hit and Christmas preparations will really be in full swing. There's no point in denying it, it's coming whether you like it or not. We, on the other hand, are positively bursting with the arrival with Christmas. Or Christmas preparations anyway. So we thought as a farewell tribute to November (a somewhat overlooked month IMO) and an white flag to December, we'd kick off with a stocking fillers Christmas guide. There are some absolute corkers in here, which we think any girl (and possibly some guys)  would be lucky to receive. There's a lot to get through, so if we want to finish in time for Christmas, we should probably get going.

1. This first item makes me giggle. First item on the top of everyone's list NOT to receive : socks. It's like the obligatory awful present that you only buy in clear desperadoes situations for your great uncle/dad or any male relation over the age of 30. BUT, these socks are different. Personally, we don't see what's wrong with receiving socks anyway. However, if you're really against buying them as a rule, we hope we can change your mind. These chunky knit slipper socks from 'Not On the Highstreet' are a perfect socking filler. They're a cosy item, perfect for over the Christmas period. And if people tell you they don't want them, they're lying. The cute heart design makes them even sweeter and they come in a range of colours. What is there to dislike? Buy me here - £38

2. Again, another item that makes me smile. See, these items are what make Christmas. Not the serious, expensive gifts,but the novelty fun gifts, that mean something but also add some humour to the proceedings. Now dear Kris Jenner is what you'd describe as a divide and conqueror. While she may be some people's idea of hell, and could think of nothing worse than to read a whole autobiography about her and her obnoxious family's lives. There also happens to be the other half of the population who think she's as influential as Michelle Obama or Beyoncé. If you, or a family member or friend (hereafter referred to as F&F) happen to fall into the later category, we recommend this book as the perfect stocking filler. Your F&F member will love you forever as they can finally delve into Kris' life, and leave no stone unturned about all things Kardashian/Jenner. Buy me here - £5.59

3.  Another controversial item, who knew stocking fillers could be so divisive? Now we fully appreciate that you either absolutely, whole heartedly ADORE One Direction, or you totally DESPISE them. We happen to think that most people fall into the first category, or the ' I- Love-Them-Secretly-But-I'm-Not-Telling-Anyone' 3rd group. If anyone who falls into the first category happens to be in your F&F clan (let's face it ,we all have at least one) then you can guarantee they'll already have a copy of the album. However, I'm sure they'll appreciate another copy, for the car or the kitchen or where ever. If you have a hunch one of your F&F falls into the secret 3rd category, then why not let them know that you've sussed out their secret fascination, and you don't think ill of them. This album won't let you down, it's their best yet. We bet you a tenner by New Years Eve you'll have your nan dancing around to 'Steal My Girl'. Buy me here - £11.99

4. This glorious notebook is a great classic stocking filler. This notebook has a great graphic design, and will see you through a very organised 2015. If you have an OCD F&F member, they'll only be too pleased to have a place to make lists and plans to their hearts content. On the same vein, if you have someone that you feel is in desperate need of getting their life together, why not give them a gentle nod in the right direction. Buy me here - £9

5. Topshop have put together these little gift sets, which quite frankly, seem destined to be found in a stocking. These two items are a dream team. Two perfect products which will get your eyes glammed up and ready for some Christmas Party action. Deffo worth considering. As a footnote to this, I've used Topshop Kohl pencil for nearly 4 years on and off. I can safely say, it won't let you down. Buy me here - £12

6. Ahhh, novelty items. This phone screen cleaner in the shape of a puppy just encapsulates the Christmas Spirit at it's finest. It's not an item you'd put on your list or be lusting after for months. But nevertheless, it is an item that come Christmas Morning, would make you smile. Just think about that. Buy me here - £6.99

7. Now sticking on the 'Pimp your phone for Christmas' theme, this next product gets me really excited. Urban Outfitters have combined two genius inventions: a phone case and a hairbrush. The result is a masterpiece. Not only can your smart phone complete most tasks, but it can now brush your hair and keep you looking in check. The best part is on a night out, you don't have to take a bigger bag just for the hairbrush (we've all been there). It makes us wonder why nobody has ever thought of that before. Buy me here - £12

8. Again, sticking with the above theme. It's another phone case, with pugs in Santa hats. Who wouldn't want to find that in your stocking? I know I'd be chuffed. Buy me here - £8

9. Now, we're not really for the male species on the blog. In fact, most of the time, we are more than happy to pretend they don't exist. That way we can pretend we live in a world of pleasant, fist pumping sisterhood. They are 'man shaped' socks (according to Topshop), for women. See, what we alluded to earlier in item 1 was kinda true. In our defence, they are pretty awesome. They do have gingerbread men on them. They're also from Topshop. They'll be overjoyed. What is there not to like? Buy me here - £3.50

10. You can't really go wrong with nail varnish as a stocking filler. This one has a lovely shiny finish, perfect for adding a bit of Christmas Sparkle. At 3 quid a pop, it would be a crime not to. Get one for all the F&F. Buy me here - £3

11. These earphones all the way from Stockholm really are a treat. Pretty earphones are so delightful, it's nice to have a product you use so much be updated. These are built to last, and destined to last a good while. The gold design makes them stand out, and blend in perfectly with the Christmas Decs. Buy me here - £25

12. Another sparkly nail polish. What can you say, we like a variation on a theme. But basically, you can use one for Christmas, and one for New Year. Can't say fairer than that can you? Buy me here - £12

13. Wheeyyy, we bet you were wondering how long it would take for a bobble hat to feature. We make no apologies, they've got Stocking written all over it. They're a great little extra. A good bobble hat will see you right through the other side of the colder months. Deffo a good investment for Christmas, and always a well appreciated gift. Buy me here - £25

14. Fooooood glorious fooooood. We all know a massive part of Christmas is the food. No matter what the F&F say, food is never a bad stocking filler. Especially when the said food happens to be a Chocolate Orange. Nothing says Christmas like it, and we're already tucking into ours. In fact I polished one off last night. Yep me, by myself. Am I bothered? Am I heck, it's Christmas. Nearly. Buy me here - £3.48

15. Personally, I think we might have saved the best till last. Who doesn't want a bit of comfort over the holidays. We do. And what better form than in bunnies. Best thing about it? You're already prepared for the Easter Holidays. Buy me here - £14

So that concludes our pick of the best Stocking Fillers. If you purchase any for any of your F&F, or yourself, do let us know. We'd love to see.

Until Next Time,


Wednesday 26 November 2014

Just a note...

Hello loves,
Just a quick note to say unfortunately no WWs this week. We know you'll all be absolutely crestfallen, but don't be. We are working on something VERY exciting starting this coming weekend. So keep your eyes peeled!

Love always,


Sunday 23 November 2014

Back to Basics | How to... French Plait

Fellow Blogees,

We're very happy to be launching our new series... 'Back to Basics'. We think the things covered in this segment are the things everyone claims to know, but in reality it's a bit of a botch job guessing game. This series will aim to make your life a little simpler, and give you the right techniques to make the simple things in life look effortlessly glorious. So our first topic in the 'Back to Basics' range is a French Plait. Having been inspired by the best film out in a while, (Frozen, obviously), we took our inspiration from Queen Elsa. Looking at her amazing flowing braid, made us think of recreating a similar style. Not only will this look super cool when done right, it's also a great skill to be able to whip out on a bad hair day: it cures a multitude of sins believe us.

Follow these steps and waltz your way to a sensational French plait :

1. Brush you hair backwards, so you have no parting
2. Grab hold of the top section of hair, from the front of your head to the crown
3. Split this top section into 3 sections
4. The left section, move over the middle section so it is now in the middle
5. With he right section do the same, place it over the middle section so it is now in the middle.
6. Next, grab a section of hair from the side of your head and combine it with the left section of hair, move this section over the middle piece, so is now the middle piece
7.Do the same on the right, grab a section of hair from the side, combine it with the right strand, and move over the middle strand, so is now the new middle piece.
8. Repeat steps 6 & 7, making sure you remember what sections of hair you have plaited already (i.e don't moving the right section to the middle, then doing the right section again before you do the).
9. Keep doing this until you have reached the end off the head, then just plait the hair normally, without taking in sections of hair from the side.

Ok so hopefully that makes sense to everyone! It may appear slightly daunting now, but just stick with us and follow the steps. Eventually with a bit of know how, determination and practise, you'll be fine. Aaannd if those steps made no sense to you at all.. check out this Youtube vid, which might be easier to follow. 

If any of you recreate this look, do send some pics in, we'd love to see.



Saturday 22 November 2014

Christmas Crackers | Pandora Gift Guide

Hello hi hi good day to you.

So we're baaaack, with another rendition of the awesome, Christmas Crackers. Yes I know, you simply can't contain yourselves. To tell you the truth, we're also quite excited. So staying on the theme, getting ready for Christmas can be, as we all know slightly stressful. So here we are like your Christmas Angel on the top of the tree, to lend a hand. Or a Christmas Gift Guide as it happens. And we thought there was no other better brand to focus on than the super sought after, gob stoppingly perfect : Pandora. To celebrate Pandora's new launch of their Christmas Wishes campaign (sporting celebrity endorsers Marvin and Rochelle Humes, and Jamie and Louise Redknapp) we thought this was the perfect opportunity to sit down and make our own wish list.

1 - £45, 2 - £90, 3 - £75, 4 - £40, 5 - £35, 6 - £99

First up is this Star Stacking Ring. We just LOVE it, to not mess around. The stars are so cute and Christmassy, but the silver makes it elegant and sophisticated. Stacking rings are a great invention, as we are all aware. They dazzle your fingers and instantly brighten your mood every time you catch a glimpse. The more stacking the better we say. You can keep stacking and adding to make truly unique combinations. Deffo should be a consideration for your Christmas list we feel. Buy Here - £45

These earrings will certainly give your Christmas that extra sparkle. These beautiful heart shaped studs have Christmas written all over them. You could wear them all year through though, a bit of  glitz never hurt anyone. Worth putting on the list, no? Buy Here - £90

Ahhhh another ring. But, these interlocking hearts are also pretty dreamy. We particularly love the feature of one gold heart. It does bump the price up, but hey, it's Christmas right? We all deserve a little spoiling at Christmas. This ring has a playful yet beautiful nature that is really fun and festive, so worth considering for a little pressie. Buy Here - £75

Now before we all go marvelling at the beauty of this charm, there is a disclaimer. This comes from a new collection, 'Essence' which has a specific bracelet that only charms made for the 'Essence' collection fit on. Basically, 'Essence' charms fit on an 'Essence' bracelet. So check what bracelet you own before you buy the charm, otherwise you could find yourself very disappointed when it doesn't fit on your bracelet. What can I say, it's a cruel world. BUT if you are fortunate to own/buy/be gifted one of these bracelets for Christmas then by all means, go ahead. We love the sparkly nature of the charm, and the 'diamond in the rough' look about it. So festive and dazzling, it's a winner all the way for us. This particular charm also means Wisdom, so basically it's always a good one to carry round with you. You never know, some of it may actually rub off. Buy Here - £40

5 has a festive treat for us all.  The best part of Christmas is always debated every year. But for some, it is without a doubt, the humble Christmas Pud. And what better way to celebrate the delight of a Christmas Pudding than with a charm. That way you can bring some of that well needed Christmas spirit every day, until the following Christmas comes round again (and let's face it, either we're getting older or the months are just vanishing in a blink of an eye) so it's never a bad thing to be a bit early. Buy Here - £35

This bracelet is such a good package deal. If you're looking to buy someone an amazing present, without having to do too much donkey work or research, the lovely people at Pandora have kindly done it all for you. Like little Christmas elves. For a relatively small amount (for a loved one anyway)  you can buy the bracelet, the charm and the spacer clips. All perfectly coordinated and sealed in a lovely bag. What more could you ask for? Buy Here - £99

Hopefully you've been inspired to head on over and have a little browse on Pandora. They're great for Christmas presents, and there's something for everyone with a range of styles and prices. And no, we don't work for Pandora.

See you tomorrow everyone,


Wednesday 19 November 2014

Wednesday Winners | Watch Special

Fellow Blogees,

Yes, it's that time of the week again, and this week's Wednesday's Winners is dedicated to watches. No pun intended. Watches have recently become a pretty huge fascination of ours, who knew there was so many gorgeous styles to choose from? So get a cuppa, sit yourself down, and scroll through the highlights of our fave watches.

First up is this beauty from Daniel Wellington. This updated classic is complete with a crocodile leather band and a choice of rose gold or silver casing. At nearly £160 it's a bit pricey, but it's totally worth it. The classic design makes it a perfect accessory for any outfit.

Next is this retro number from Kate Spade. We love this because it mixes a traditional vibe with the strap, but a more quirky feel with the bubble numbers. Again it's not cheap, but a good watch rarely is. We're getting the feeling this could brighten up any outfit, it's born to stand out.

Kate Spade - £175

Ahhhhh. Marc Jacobs just gets better and better. This little lady has a brilliant but simple design, and as long as you don't mind 'Marc Jacobs' being written all over it multiple times, it's deffo a winner. I mean it's clear branding to say the least. Top notch quality and a classic design, you can't go wrong really.

This one is one of my all time favourite designs. Olivia Burton has geniously engineered a range of watches with a range of sized dials. They all host a vintage feel, whilst keeping it current and fresh. We particularly love the big dials as seen here, due to the beautifully understated impact they create. They also do a range of coloured straps, so you can find the perfect one to compliment all your outfits. They also do a range of clock faces, so you can choose something more simplistic or slightly more jazzy. I'm still making my mind up which one I love the best, but I know one of them is deffo on the cards.

Last but not least, shout out to the Danes. This Skagen masterpiece is seriously a work of art. Everything from its subtle branding, to it's high quality leather strap oozes sophistication and elegance. The enlarged clock face makes it eye catching but not overly flashy. We really love this one too. Sighhhh.

Skagen - £125

Well, hopefully this post has been some use to you, but we understand if you still feel you have no idea which watch to buy. I'm not sure we know which are our favourites either, it's a very tricky decision. Our advice, think carefully. Don't go making any impulse buys or you may live to regret it. Take your time (again, no pun intended) and most importantly, do your research. Shop around, different stores may offer different prices and different deals with regards to warranties and packaging etc.

If any of you purchase one of our fabulous Wednesday Winners, do let us know or send us some pics, we'd love to see.

Until next time friends,


Sunday 16 November 2014

Winter Makeup Trends A/W 2014/15

Fellow Blogees,
Hope you're not too depressed with that Sunday night feeling. However if it has struck you down, here's some wintery make up trends to perk you up.

1. Eyes are the main focus for Autumn-Winter 2014/15, so first up is the use of metallics. May sound bold, but we've seen everyone from Dior to Chanel rocking this look. You can do varying degrees of heaviness. To achieve this look on a budget, you could use Maybelline Colour Tattoo cream eye shadow.

(L-R) Altuzarra, Altuzarra, Armani // Donna Karen // Dior, Chanel, Rodarte

2. Next up is big, dominant lashes. Eye lashes can add so much drama to a look, which is handy for the winter when things get a bit more mean and moody looking. You could use Eylure individual lashes to create a natural, but doey-eyed look.

(L-R) Gucci, Gucci, Gucci // Prada, Rochas, Versache

3. Dewy skin is always a must have. However, in the winter it can be harder to achieve due to your skin drying out. Well here's a gift from us to you. Try Sleek Go Face and Body highlighter. This will be sure to make you glow in all the right places.

(L-R) Hugo Boss, Balmain // Givency, Giambattista Valli
(L-R) Thakoon, Phillip Lim // Stella McCartney, Stella McCartney

4. Powerful Coloured eyeshadow has become a big thing. Bold and statemented colour can really add to the overall impact of your make up. You could use the Wild Shadow Eyeshadow Pencil by Max Factor, to achieve a strong and popping colour.

(Top Left) Altuzarra // (Bottom Left) Diane von Furstenberg //
(Top Right) Chloe// (Middle) Altuzarra // (Bottom Right) Jonathan Saunders

5. We love eye liner. It covers a multitude of ills. And It's a go to because it always adds a bit of depth to the look. You can layer it up depending how brave (or tired) you're feeling. Try different types to see which one works the best for you, or start with using the Bourjois Effect Smoky Eye Pencil. It's a soft and light pencil, but great for creating an intense look.

(L-R) Dries Van Noten. Lavin, Marc Jacobs //
Rag and Bone, Topshop Unique, Topshop Unique

6. Ok so the big brow thing has kinda taken the beauty world by storm since the infamous look was donned by the lovely Cara. You can easily replicate this look by using Soap and Glory Archery Brown Tint and Pencil. Thing to remember, don't grip fiercely like a toddler. Gently draw on and you can't go wrong.

(Top Left) Armani, (Bottom Left) Dolce and Gabanna //
(Top Right) Marni, (Middle) Christopher Kane, (Bottom Right) Prabal Gurrang

So there we have our hot make up trends for A/W 14. Have fun recreating them, and any attempts we'd love to see.

Loads of Love,


(All Pics from Vogue and Harper's Bazaare)

Saturday 15 November 2014

Christmas Crackers | Fave Christmas Jumpers

Fellow Blogees,

Happy weekend lovelies! We've made it through another working week, and quite frankly, we all deserve a rest. So sit back and mull over our new blog post. About that, we're launching something VERY exciting this week. So pin back your lug holes and listen good. With just over a month to go until CHRISTMAS (AKA baby Jesus' birthday, the big day, or any other names that may spring to mind). We're proud to launch our new set of blog posts: 'Christmas Crackers'. Now we'll be doing this to guide you effortlessly to the big event, with advice on everything Christmas, from gifts to Christmas make up, jumpers to tinsel accessories. Exciting or what?! And for all you Scrooges out there, before you know it, it will be over. It only happens once a year, so stick a smile on and grin and bare it yeah? T'is the season to be jolly and all. So so so, in our first Christmas Cracker post (or CC as they'll be known as hereafter) we are discussing : CHRISTMAS JUMPERS. Oh yeah. So enough chatter, let's go!

1 - £19.50 // 2 - £30 // 3 - £42 // 4 - £42 // 5 - £28 // 6 - £35

6. What do you know, kicking us off is  this polar bear extravaganza from Next. Well it's Christmas, here's some polar bears for ya. The print is great, and the Pom Pom snowballs are a particular highlight of mine. The grey background makes it easier to wear also. A Christmas jumper it most definitely is, a stereotypical,chinesy ,itchy, horrible thing it is not. 

5. Number 5 has this chirpy little fella, the gingerbread man, on a backdrop of festive red. It's cute, he's wearing a Santa hat. Win win. This really is an out and out Christmas Jumper. Subtle it is not, but if you want to fully invest and support Christmas, than go for it.
Next - £28

4.Now this one is a little more subtle. A little robin redbreast on your chest, how delightful. The sequins give it a jazzy Christmas feel, without going out and out Christmas. You could dress this down, and with any luck, get away with wearing it until about April.
Warehouse - £42

3. DING DONG MERILY ON HIGH... Ta daaaaa! It's a full frontal Christmas Jumper with a stonking glittery bell on it. It's got Christmas written all over it. It's perfect for present opening in the morning, or tucking into the turkey at lunch. It doesn't shy away from Christmas, but embraces it. And we like that. Good on you Toppy.
Topshop - £32

2. This one is actually one of our favourites. As you know, we're very partial to a slogan tee/jumper. So you can only imagine what deep joy we felt when finding a totally 'cool', laid back, Christmas sweater. As much as we love the Christmas and proud jumpers, if you're looking for a more subtle alternative, this one is deffo it. It's a nod to Christmas, without going over the top. It's totally different to any other jumper we featured, but hey, variety is the spice of life people.
River Island - £30

1. Personally, I think we've saved the best till last. PERCY PIG. IN A CHRISTMAS HAT, ON A JUMPER. If that isn't life complete, then I don't know what is. There's so much happiness that this jumper radiates, it's not even true. As soon as you see it, you just want to smile. And we think that's the true spirit of Christmas. Well done M&S, home of Christmas galore. We salute you.
Marks and Spencer - £19.50

So, we're rather exhausted after looking at lot. And we'd just like to apologise now, we may have got a tad giddy. But come on, it's a new launch of CC, it's jumpers and Christmas itself is only 42 days away. All of the above are very exciting prospects. Let us know if you purchase any of our much adored Christmas Jumpers, we'd love to hear from you.

Until next time,


Wednesday 12 November 2014

Wednesday Winners

Fellow Blogees,

This week is back to a regular WW, BUT it's a good one. That's all I have to say, now let's get down to business.

First up is this rather dazzling SEQUINED bodycon dress from Topshop. Now this is beauty. As you know, we are a MASSIVE fan of anything sparkly and from Topshop, so you can imagine our sheer delight at finding a combination of both. This would be perfect at a Christmas party, it's fun and festive and will catch the light perfectly when you're throwing some shapes on the dance floor. Bag it up!

Also from Topshop is this delectable skater dress. We also love black, so this is a good safe but sophisticated option. The embellishment around the neckline helps to create a more 'going out' look, whilst remaining effortless and timeless (and anything less really)

Topshop Dress - £34
Ok so it's Topshop again, BUT it's brilliant so bare with us. All of the above stands for the other sparkly bodycon, but we thought you deserved to see the alternative. This way you can decide whether you would like the two toned or the pure black. The choice is yours. Both very Zoe Ball we feel.

Yep Toshop, I know. This isn't a wind up and all of the WWs are not from Topshop. However this sweatshirt is great. It has a cool casual look, nut the bright lace embellishment adds colour and stops it being regular. Good for layering too, which is good in this cold snap we're having. (in the UK, overseas, I'm affraid I am unaware of your current weather situation, but we hope you can still wear some of these products, whatever the weather :))

YES, we've now headed on over to ASOS, we've sadly left Toppy behind (for this week anyway!) We're loving this snowy white jumper. It's super cosy but also bang on trend with the sheer panel.

ASOS Jumper - £38
This top from Warehouse is just lovely. The neckline is super cute and the material is a great wintery alternative to wearing a jumper. I saw this in the shop the other day and I had to be prised away from it. Don't buy at your peril.

These we just LOVE. Cath Kidston star, sparkly studs. What is there not to like? We all know accessories make an outfit, and these earrings will set it off like a rocket. Only £6, we'll have 5 pairs thanks.

These trousers from Zara are super cool. They can be dressed up, and dressed down, so are super versatile. A print on trousers is flattering too, as it draws the eye to the print rather than the shape of the leg! The zip detailing makes them pretty quirky aswell.

Zara Trousers - £35.99

This shirt is BUSY. But we think busy in a good way, just be careful what you pair it with, something low key we suggest. Florals are good though, because you can just pick out an accent colour to coordinate with.

These shoes are just devine! I want them. The stud detailing makes them a bit 'hip and trendy' and the best part is, they're slippers. So comfy snugly feet on the inside, stylish fabbiness on the outside. Win win.

So this concludes this week's Wednesday's Winners. Hope you've enjoyed, and if you purchase any of the winners, let us know. We'd love to hear from you.

Love always,


Sunday 9 November 2014

Best Foundation For Your Skin Type?

Fellow Blogees,

Happy Sunday everyone! Enjoy it while it lasts, the doom of Monday will soon be here. Now, yesterday we were talking about skin types and how to choose the right foundation for your skin. So working in perfect synchronicity with Saturday's post, we thought we'd dedicate Sunday to telling you about which are the best ones to go out and nab for each skin type. So while you're having your morning coffee, take a look at our picks of the best foundations.

This section is for you Combination people out there :

Giorgio Armani Maestro Fusion - £39 // No. 7 Stay Perfect - £14.50
First up is Amani Maestro. This gives a very matte finish, but still gives a natural look to your face, so don't be alarmed. However, this is not for your heavy duty look. It gives light to medium coverage, which may need reapplying. Still a good all round product though!

Next up is No 7 Stay and Perfect. This is great as it includes Vitamin E, so it has plenty of  moisturising properties, to avoid the dry outer skin. On initial use, it seems there is medium coverage. However it is buildable and is able to be layered, without being thick and heavy. It also contains SPF which is great for summer protection. This is also a cheaper option, but you might be surprised at what you find.

Dry Skined people, this way :

Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat - £30.50 // Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum - £10.99
YSL Touche Eclat is a favourite of ours, we did feature it a few weeks ago. It has great light to medium coverage, and is covers problematic skin perfectly. It's also very hydrating, to works to give a nice natural and dewy look. The gel texture makes it easy to apply, which is always handy.

A cheaper, but just as good alternative is Healthy Mix Serum from Bourjoirs. It is VERY similar, same gel texture and an excellent blender. Also, a small amount can go a long way, so you won't have to keep buying. We love an economical product.

Lucky Normal Skined people, you're up :

bareMinerals Original Foundation - £19.95 // MAC Face and Body - £21.50 (50ml)
Bare Minerals Original Foundation is perfect for giving an air brushed, dewy look. Which obviously, we all want! It's only downside is the messiness when applying, but it is great for covering blemishes and redness.

MAC Face and Body is pretty fab for an all round foundation. At the start it has quite light coverage due to the runny formula, but it can be layered for better coverage. This one contains no SPF so great for flash photography. Basically good for all skin types!

Oily skin people, head up this way:

Clarins Ever Matte - £27 // Revlon ColorStay - £12.49
Clarins Ever Matte- obviously, this one produces a matte finish, but that's good because it will mask your oily skin. Medium coverage, but not too heavy which is great, as it doesn't just sit flat on the skin. You'll also be pleased to know that it doesn't slip around on the skin, so you don't have to worry about touching up throughout the day.

Revlon Colour Stay again has a good matte finish, so this will help the oily skin. Covers spots and redness quite well, BUT people, there is no pump so beware! Things can get a tad messy so have some wipes handy.

We hope that's been some use to you, and if you buy any of the products do let us know!

Have a good week, see you wednesday


Saturday 8 November 2014

How to... Choose Foundation

Hello Fellow Blogees,

So quite often we are faced with the dilemma of knowing what foundation to buy, what shade of differing brands will suit our specialist demands etc. And at all costs, trying to avoid what we affectionately call: the Doritos effect. So hopefully by end of this post, we'll all be a little clearer on how to pick the best piece of kit none to man (or woman, in this case).

First of all, it's best to work out what kind of skin you have, so you can establish which foundation to by to compliment your specific type. This can be split fairly easily into 4 categories :

1. Normal (aka brilliant skin and you've been blessed)
There is no need for you to worry. If you're skin isn't flakey or oily, and feels soft to touch, you're basically winning at life and have no problems. Happy days for you!

2. Oily
Unfortunately, all that OMEGA 3 has paid off, and resulted in an oily complexion. Generally, if your skin is shiny before 12pm most days then, unfortunately, you have oily skin. Another way to tell is if your foundation tends to slip off during the day and a lot of re-powdering is required.

3. Dry
Again, unfortunately you have not been blessed with beautifully moisturised skin. If your skin feels uncomfortable or tight, or has darker patches, you probably have dry skin and need to moisturise a lot more than usual.

4. Combination
This is actually the most common skin type. T-Zone is normally oily and outer areas are usually drier.

Ok, so after you establish what skin type you are (deep breath), you then to colour match the foundation to your skin. It sounds a bit confusing, but it's ok, we'll go through it together!

So, first of all you need to work out what undertones you have. There are several inventive ways you can do this, which will give you a whole evening's entertainment. Believe me.

Numero Uno: If your veins appear more green, you have warmer undertones. If they appear more blue, you have cooler undertones.

Number 2: With a make up free face, place an ivory white towel around your shoulders. Tie your hair back, and with natural lighting, the towel should reflect what colour your undertones are. If the light reflected is yellow, you have warmer undertones. If pink, you have cooler undertones.

Number 3: This one is kinda open to interpretation, or which jewellery you prefer. However, if you feel Gold jewellery suits you best, you probably have warmer undertones. If you feel Silver jewellery suits you best, you probably have cooler undertones. If you're lucky and both suits you, you might have neutral undertones.

After you've worked that out, you can finally get onto the fun bit. Getting the foundation! If you have cooler undertones, go for a foundation with pinker tones in it. If you have warmer undertones, go for a foundation with yellower tones to it. If you're a lucky neutral person, you can go for either, or both and mix them.

If you're going for MAC foundation then there is a code you should be aware of. NW means Neutral Warm, but are actually for the pink undertones/cool people. NC meaning Neutral cool, are for the warmer tones/ yellow peeps. Confusing I know, but we didn't design it, so just work around it yeah!

So hopefully, following these steps, foundation shopping should no longer be a trial. If any of you buy any foundation using these tips, let us know how it works out!

Until next time...


Wednesday 5 November 2014

Wednesday Winners - Bag special

Hello Hello Fellow Bloggees,

This week's world famous 'Wednesday Winners' is a special this week. Yes in aid of celebration of some random event, (we just fancied a change, truth be told) we've decided to do a bag special. Yeah you heard me, a BAG SPECIAL. OOoh goodie, I hear you chortle. And yes my friends, you are right to be excited. We have some belters, so without any hesitance, let's get down to business.

Kicking us off first is this blinder from Zara. Now, we all love a City Bag. They've become renowned the world over, for their classic design and low budget take on a far more expensive bag (who shall remain nameless!) The revamp of the city bag includes perforated monochrome leather, which is a delight in itself, and most definitely in trend this winter! Despite being a new twist on a classic, this bag still maintains all it's usual, essential features such as: a long strap, multiple pockets and enough room to fit the Eiffel Tower.  We love a city bag, just for the space feature alone. You can fit A4 folders in until your heart's content, and it expands much further than you think. Overrall, we just love it, and we're sure you would too.

Zara - £69.99

BEHOLD, this beauty from Reiss. What you are looking at is a Black Quilted Leather Rucksack. Now who doesn't want one of those? It's not as spacious as the others, but hey, what it looses in space it makes up for in practicality. Hello, you can put it on your back! And some things aren't about their function, they're just about marvelling in the beauty. And this is deffo one of them. This one is a little more expensive than all the others, so invest wisely. Go on, stick it on the Christmas list.

Reiss - £265

Next up is this laaaavly tote from River Island. This is another great one for space and is deffo hot on the City Bag's heels. Personally I love Navy. I think it looks smart but a great alternative to wear instead of black, as a smarter look. So this bag will tone in with all your office wear. The shoulder strap is always a good option to have too. The little yellow accents make the bag just a little less dull, whilst maintaining a proffesh look. Deffo one to look into.

River Island - £45

Hey little guy. What do you know, it's another Zara City Bag. We love the simple elegance of this design though. It has all the great features we talked about before, but in a sleek Grey/Burgundy and has an extra large pocket. This did feature a few weeks ago, and we're STILL loving it. Go buy, infact buy all of them, you only live once right?

Zara - £49.99

Now this little number from Lipsy I am excited about! With a slight nod to a Celine bag (the shape rather than anything else) which we are really big fans of, this bag is a much cheaper alternative. The bag is bigger than it looks, so there is plenty of room and a lovely shoulder strap for the convenience. So give that one a try, Michelle Keegan will love ya for it.

Lipsy - £48

So that's it for another week. We hope you've enjoyed  our selection of bags for this week's Wednesday Winners. If you purchase any, or indeed all of them, do let us know.

Until next time friends...


Sunday 2 November 2014

October Faves

Hello Hello HELLO! (Sorry, I'm extra excited to see you today!)

So, here we are with our October favourites. But of course, they'll see you right through the winter, and probably the whole year to be fair. So, let's get on with it.

First up is this BaByliss Volume Waves Curling Iron. This is great for creating loose natural waves, instead of those hideous tight ringlets. With this iron you can achieve the look of everyone's new found idol and fashion icon, Elsa from FROZEN. At only 20 quid, these are an absolute GIVEAWAY. Seriously peeps, you need these. And no, we're not on commission, they're just that good.

Moving swiftly onto our second October love, Vaseline Spray and Go Body Moisturiser. It sinks into the skin as effortlessly as the Titanic into the ocean (probably not the best analogy... sorry guys!). It smells divine, and is ease of use as you just spray and carry on getting ready. Very worthy of it's October Favourite status.

Third up is this Hydrating Gel-Cream moisturiser from Resultime. We love this baby due to it's extreme hydrating qualities and sensitive to begrudging skin. It also sits nicely as a primer or base under foundation without distorting the make up look. The science of it is what makes it so good for your skin, containing essential properties that firm and hydrate your skin.

Our fourth fave product is Tea Tree Oil. It's a bit of a classic I grant you, the kinda thing your Gran always keeps in the medicine cabinet. However, don't let it's unfair dismissal put you off. It's pure oil, and it's great for sensitive skin. Pesky or belligerent spots will be a thing of the past once Tea Tree oil works it's magic. Deffo worth an investment. It's just a little bottle, but will last ages, and works WONDERS.

Shalala... Final product is the infamous MAC 217 brush which also makes the line up in our October favourites. It's great for blending and general eye maintenance. It also fits nicely for working with the eye crease, who'd have guessed it? It's a good size aswell, perfect for eye shaping. Deffo a good one to have in your tool kit.

So, hope you can take some inspiration from our October loves. If you purchase any, do let us know :)

Until next time,


Saturday 1 November 2014

Best Beauty Advent Calendars 2014

Howdy Fellow Blogees,

With only 53 days and 6 hours to the big day (Christmas I'm referring to, obviously) from now until then, we're on high alert for anything slightly Christmas related. Although there are many glorious gains to the festive period, one thing that makes us tremble with excitement is December the First, when you can finally open the first little door on your advent calendar (thats if you have managed to last that long!).  But what if chocolate isn't really your bag? Or more likely, your on a pre-Christmas diet? A Detox? Or you just have slightly more expensive tastes? Well luckily help is on hand to guide you to your perfect advent calendar.

First up is this limited edition delight from Benefit. With this one, you'll be counting all the days to Christmas Eve looking fantastic. Including Benefit's well- renowned the 'POREfessional' and 'High Beam', behind every door is a dazzling treat that will get you straight into the Christmas cheer. Highly recommended!

Benefit - £60

Next is this ravishing mini mani advent calandar from Ciate. Behind every door you can expect to find one of 24 of Ciate's most popular nail polishes. Just perfect, you can wear one every day leading up to Christmas. Hey, why not give your nails a treat too, they've worked as hard as you this past year.

Ciaté - £49
Jo Malone, Queen of the posh smells, has really excelled herself here. Her advent calendar, comes complete with a vivacious collection of everything from perfumes to mini candles. Great for setting your house up as a winter wonderland, your house will be made into a home with these festive smells. And you won't smell too bad either! It's a tad expensive though, so buy with caution. Or start saving up now, so you can afford next year's one.

Jo Malone - £250

Mr Selfridge and all his crew have clearly been working hard to produce a smörgåsbord of fragrances, moisturisers and make up, so you can get yourself looking your best for that Christmas party with an array of all our favourite designer brands.

Selfridges - £85

This one from Toppy is the cheapest of the lot, but by all means not the least exciting. Behind each door, is an exciting mix of Earrings, Necklaces and Rings. If you're more into quirky jewellery than lotions and potions, this one is definitely for you. The best part about this is you'll be stocked up on jewellery until next Christmas.

Topshop Freedom Jewellery - £25

Last but not least, is this one from king of department stores, Liberty. All your fave brands are included in this beautifully packaged calendar picturing the London store. Little on the pricey side, but deffo worth it. You'll feel like a new woman by the time you've used all these beauty treats.

Ok, so there you have it! Our full load down on what advent calendars will be rocking your tinsel tarnished world this December.  Let us know if you happen to purchase any of them, we love hearing from you!

Happy Saturday! (And if you're into Halloween, we hope it went off with a bang. If you're in the skeptics corner, it's all over now people- you can rest easy in your arm chair!)

Until next time...


Libertys - £149

Ok, so there you have it! Our full load down on what advent calendars will be rocking your tinsel tarnished world this December.  Let us know if you happen to purchase any of them, we love hearing from you!

Happy Saturday! (And if you're into Halloween, we hope it went off with a bang. If you're in the skeptics corner, it's all over now people- you can rest easy in your arm chair!)

Until next time...