Sunday 23 November 2014

Back to Basics | How to... French Plait

Fellow Blogees,

We're very happy to be launching our new series... 'Back to Basics'. We think the things covered in this segment are the things everyone claims to know, but in reality it's a bit of a botch job guessing game. This series will aim to make your life a little simpler, and give you the right techniques to make the simple things in life look effortlessly glorious. So our first topic in the 'Back to Basics' range is a French Plait. Having been inspired by the best film out in a while, (Frozen, obviously), we took our inspiration from Queen Elsa. Looking at her amazing flowing braid, made us think of recreating a similar style. Not only will this look super cool when done right, it's also a great skill to be able to whip out on a bad hair day: it cures a multitude of sins believe us.

Follow these steps and waltz your way to a sensational French plait :

1. Brush you hair backwards, so you have no parting
2. Grab hold of the top section of hair, from the front of your head to the crown
3. Split this top section into 3 sections
4. The left section, move over the middle section so it is now in the middle
5. With he right section do the same, place it over the middle section so it is now in the middle.
6. Next, grab a section of hair from the side of your head and combine it with the left section of hair, move this section over the middle piece, so is now the middle piece
7.Do the same on the right, grab a section of hair from the side, combine it with the right strand, and move over the middle strand, so is now the new middle piece.
8. Repeat steps 6 & 7, making sure you remember what sections of hair you have plaited already (i.e don't moving the right section to the middle, then doing the right section again before you do the).
9. Keep doing this until you have reached the end off the head, then just plait the hair normally, without taking in sections of hair from the side.

Ok so hopefully that makes sense to everyone! It may appear slightly daunting now, but just stick with us and follow the steps. Eventually with a bit of know how, determination and practise, you'll be fine. Aaannd if those steps made no sense to you at all.. check out this Youtube vid, which might be easier to follow. 

If any of you recreate this look, do send some pics in, we'd love to see.




  1. i love french plaits! I wish I could do them in my own hair but it's just impossible! x

    I've got a giveaway over on my blog if you want to take a look :)
