Saturday 29 November 2014

Christmas Gift Guide... Stocking Fillers

Fellow Blogees,

On the last Saturday of November, we are VERY excited. As you know, our series of 'Christmas Crackers' has been running for a little while now. However, we haven't wanted to fully thrust you into the world of Christmas as we know that for all you Scrooges out there, it's still a little early. Eventually, reality has to be faced, and in two days time, 1st December will hit and Christmas preparations will really be in full swing. There's no point in denying it, it's coming whether you like it or not. We, on the other hand, are positively bursting with the arrival with Christmas. Or Christmas preparations anyway. So we thought as a farewell tribute to November (a somewhat overlooked month IMO) and an white flag to December, we'd kick off with a stocking fillers Christmas guide. There are some absolute corkers in here, which we think any girl (and possibly some guys)  would be lucky to receive. There's a lot to get through, so if we want to finish in time for Christmas, we should probably get going.

1. This first item makes me giggle. First item on the top of everyone's list NOT to receive : socks. It's like the obligatory awful present that you only buy in clear desperadoes situations for your great uncle/dad or any male relation over the age of 30. BUT, these socks are different. Personally, we don't see what's wrong with receiving socks anyway. However, if you're really against buying them as a rule, we hope we can change your mind. These chunky knit slipper socks from 'Not On the Highstreet' are a perfect socking filler. They're a cosy item, perfect for over the Christmas period. And if people tell you they don't want them, they're lying. The cute heart design makes them even sweeter and they come in a range of colours. What is there to dislike? Buy me here - £38

2. Again, another item that makes me smile. See, these items are what make Christmas. Not the serious, expensive gifts,but the novelty fun gifts, that mean something but also add some humour to the proceedings. Now dear Kris Jenner is what you'd describe as a divide and conqueror. While she may be some people's idea of hell, and could think of nothing worse than to read a whole autobiography about her and her obnoxious family's lives. There also happens to be the other half of the population who think she's as influential as Michelle Obama or BeyoncĂ©. If you, or a family member or friend (hereafter referred to as F&F) happen to fall into the later category, we recommend this book as the perfect stocking filler. Your F&F member will love you forever as they can finally delve into Kris' life, and leave no stone unturned about all things Kardashian/Jenner. Buy me here - £5.59

3.  Another controversial item, who knew stocking fillers could be so divisive? Now we fully appreciate that you either absolutely, whole heartedly ADORE One Direction, or you totally DESPISE them. We happen to think that most people fall into the first category, or the ' I- Love-Them-Secretly-But-I'm-Not-Telling-Anyone' 3rd group. If anyone who falls into the first category happens to be in your F&F clan (let's face it ,we all have at least one) then you can guarantee they'll already have a copy of the album. However, I'm sure they'll appreciate another copy, for the car or the kitchen or where ever. If you have a hunch one of your F&F falls into the secret 3rd category, then why not let them know that you've sussed out their secret fascination, and you don't think ill of them. This album won't let you down, it's their best yet. We bet you a tenner by New Years Eve you'll have your nan dancing around to 'Steal My Girl'. Buy me here - £11.99

4. This glorious notebook is a great classic stocking filler. This notebook has a great graphic design, and will see you through a very organised 2015. If you have an OCD F&F member, they'll only be too pleased to have a place to make lists and plans to their hearts content. On the same vein, if you have someone that you feel is in desperate need of getting their life together, why not give them a gentle nod in the right direction. Buy me here - £9

5. Topshop have put together these little gift sets, which quite frankly, seem destined to be found in a stocking. These two items are a dream team. Two perfect products which will get your eyes glammed up and ready for some Christmas Party action. Deffo worth considering. As a footnote to this, I've used Topshop Kohl pencil for nearly 4 years on and off. I can safely say, it won't let you down. Buy me here - £12

6. Ahhh, novelty items. This phone screen cleaner in the shape of a puppy just encapsulates the Christmas Spirit at it's finest. It's not an item you'd put on your list or be lusting after for months. But nevertheless, it is an item that come Christmas Morning, would make you smile. Just think about that. Buy me here - £6.99

7. Now sticking on the 'Pimp your phone for Christmas' theme, this next product gets me really excited. Urban Outfitters have combined two genius inventions: a phone case and a hairbrush. The result is a masterpiece. Not only can your smart phone complete most tasks, but it can now brush your hair and keep you looking in check. The best part is on a night out, you don't have to take a bigger bag just for the hairbrush (we've all been there). It makes us wonder why nobody has ever thought of that before. Buy me here - £12

8. Again, sticking with the above theme. It's another phone case, with pugs in Santa hats. Who wouldn't want to find that in your stocking? I know I'd be chuffed. Buy me here - £8

9. Now, we're not really for the male species on the blog. In fact, most of the time, we are more than happy to pretend they don't exist. That way we can pretend we live in a world of pleasant, fist pumping sisterhood. They are 'man shaped' socks (according to Topshop), for women. See, what we alluded to earlier in item 1 was kinda true. In our defence, they are pretty awesome. They do have gingerbread men on them. They're also from Topshop. They'll be overjoyed. What is there not to like? Buy me here - £3.50

10. You can't really go wrong with nail varnish as a stocking filler. This one has a lovely shiny finish, perfect for adding a bit of Christmas Sparkle. At 3 quid a pop, it would be a crime not to. Get one for all the F&F. Buy me here - £3

11. These earphones all the way from Stockholm really are a treat. Pretty earphones are so delightful, it's nice to have a product you use so much be updated. These are built to last, and destined to last a good while. The gold design makes them stand out, and blend in perfectly with the Christmas Decs. Buy me here - £25

12. Another sparkly nail polish. What can you say, we like a variation on a theme. But basically, you can use one for Christmas, and one for New Year. Can't say fairer than that can you? Buy me here - £12

13. Wheeyyy, we bet you were wondering how long it would take for a bobble hat to feature. We make no apologies, they've got Stocking written all over it. They're a great little extra. A good bobble hat will see you right through the other side of the colder months. Deffo a good investment for Christmas, and always a well appreciated gift. Buy me here - £25

14. Fooooood glorious fooooood. We all know a massive part of Christmas is the food. No matter what the F&F say, food is never a bad stocking filler. Especially when the said food happens to be a Chocolate Orange. Nothing says Christmas like it, and we're already tucking into ours. In fact I polished one off last night. Yep me, by myself. Am I bothered? Am I heck, it's Christmas. Nearly. Buy me here - £3.48

15. Personally, I think we might have saved the best till last. Who doesn't want a bit of comfort over the holidays. We do. And what better form than in bunnies. Best thing about it? You're already prepared for the Easter Holidays. Buy me here - £14

So that concludes our pick of the best Stocking Fillers. If you purchase any for any of your F&F, or yourself, do let us know. We'd love to see.

Until Next Time,


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