Saturday 27 December 2014

Best Celeb Moments of 2014

Well well well. Long time no speak fellow blogees. We hope you had an amazing Christmas and Boxing day, are all satisfied with all presents recieved and enjoying some well earnt time off. We're fortunately still in the lull between Christmas and New Year which is good, still something to cling onto before the depression really hits come January. Since we're in this lull, what better way to celebrate 2014 before we say goodbye to it with a look back at some of the best celeb moments of this year? Grab some leftovers and lets get cracking!

First item on the agenda has got to be the announcement of another Royal Baby. Already parents to little Prince George as of summer 2013, it was announced early that future King and Queen, the  Duke and Duchess of Cambridge would be expecting again in Spring 2015, due to Kate suffering again with severe morning sickness. Although we're fully aware that there won't be 24 hour coverage from the hospital for weeks on end as there was last time Kate gave birth (due to this child not being the first heir in line to the throne, unfair or what?), we are thrilled at the prospect of another little Prince or Princess, purely because babies are cute and we love Wills and Kate. Congrats everyone!

Next up is everyone's favourite celebrity paring, Kim Kardashian and Kayne West and their wedding bonanza. On 24th May, gazillions of family, friends and celeb assosiates gathered to witness the marriage of Kim and Kayne in a lavish ceremony in Italy. The celebrations seemed to go on for quite a while, including a pre wedding holiday in Paris and dinners in the Palace of Versailles, Kimye were pulling out all the stops to impress the guests. Parents to the uniquely named North West, the 4th August marked the couples 73 days worth of marriage. You may think that seems an insignificant detail, but 73 days was the amount of time Kim was married to second hubbie Chris Humphries before it all got too much and they called it quits. So when said like that, at least they're looking like they might make a full year. Congrats Kimye!

One thing that will go down in history is the now infamous Oscars Selfie taken by Ellen. The most retweeted tweet of all time sees a quick pic at the Oscars with some of the most well known acting talent of modern history. Everyone from Brad Pitt to J-Law, Meryl Streep to the glorious Julia Roberts. Anyone who is anyone is in this selfie. And what a glorious thing it is too!

On a more serious note now is Emma Watson and the 'He for She' campaign. She's fast becoming the British Angelina Jolie, far from just being a pretty face with a strong message. Recently becoming a UN ambassador, Emma famously made her HeforShe speach which subsequently, made the internet errupt. Tackling the powerful issues such as prejudices and discriminations that women globally face, Emma had a message that men and women must unite to solve this a humanitarian problem together, not just leave it to the likes of Germaine Greer to have a downer on men. And not to cheapen her work, but if we could have the likes of Eddie Redmayne, Douglas Booth and Harry Styles showing their support for the work we were doing, we'd be pretty chuffed too. Emma has been credited with making feminism and gender equality engaging for young people, which is no mean feat. So good on you Emma!
On a slightly more light hearted token, we turn to another of the Kardash clan. Another highlight of 2014 has got to be Kylie Jenner and her ever growing lips. Despite being the tender age of 17, Kylie, it seems, is no stranger to a few botox/filler injections. It's brought about sheer bewilderment and, quite frankly, excitement, to see them grow over the year. However, with the amount of selfies she posts (what can you do, she is related to a very selfie orientated family), you can't help but notice her ever changing appearance.

Lastly, we head all the way back to this year's Brit awards in February. One Direction were having a good night. One award had already been won and a killer performance had been given, things were looking good. They were then called up to win their 'Global Success' award, the place errupted into high pitched screams and applause. The boys jumped to their feet and headed towards the stage. As they made their way to the floor, one thing was made apparent, one was missing! Where was Harry??? After a few awkward shakes and some shoulder shrugs from the remaining 4 lads, Styles suddenly appeared, running onto the stage as fast as his bandy legs could carry him. You would have thought Daddy of the group Liam might have taken over and saved the day, but no, they made Harry do the speech of course. During of which, he utteered the two famous phrases "what did we win?" and "sorry, I was having a wee". Well at least that cleared that up. Crisis averted.

So those were our fave celeb moments of 2014! We hoped you enjoyed reminising with us, and if you have any moments we haven't mentioned, do  leave a comment of your fave moments.

Love always and a Happy New Year!


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