Thursday 13 August 2015

Coconut Oil - Worth the hype?

I recently picked up a booklet from Holland and Barrett which suggested various uses of coconut oil. I have heard a lot of amazing things about coconut oil so I decided to purchase a pot and give it a try for myself. The first thing I used it for was removing makeup. I'm very cautious about what products I use of my face as it is quite spot-prone and dry. However the coconut oil is amazing at removing make up.. like seriously! And because it is an oil, it is super easy to take off waterproof mascara. I have found the coconut oil removes my foundation better than the normal cleanser I use - so I now remove my makeup with the oil first, then use my normal cleanser to cleanse (duh) the skin! I was also super surprised that the oil didn't aggravate my spots. One of the uses for coconut oil in the booklet I picked up, was actually to help get rid of spots - but I didn't want to believe it until I had tried it. But believe me... it really does help! In my head, I wasn't sure how an oil would help soothe angry spots, but its probably one of the best products I've used.
The second way I use coconut oil is on my hair. I either coat my hair in it a couple of hours (or overnight if i'm not feeling lazy) before I have a shower, then wash it out. Or rub in a small amount oil on the ends of wet hair - but you have to be careful you don't put too much in or it will just look greasy! Again, the coconut oil helps hydrate the hair and just makes it look super glossy and healthy. As you probably know from previous blog posts, I have quite fluffy, frizzy hair. But the oil helps reduce the frizziness and gives it a bit of bounce.
BUT, my favourite thing about using coconut oil is the fact that a fairly large tub lasts a good ol' while and isn't too expensive either! (and it also smells YUM). Its a great multi-purpose product - I mean, you can use it on your hair, face and for cooking.. could it get any better!? I would most definitely recommend you buy a pot and try it for yourself - its F A B!.


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