Monday 29 June 2015


So I decided to do a different kind of post today. I saw this quote on the blog 'MeghanRosette' (a newly discovered blog for me, one in which I have been loving!) - I found it very reassuring. Recently, I have been majorly panicking about the future and the unknowns that it might will hold. I am at a time of my life when everything
is changing; some things I can control, and others I can't. I have great difficulty accepting the fact I cannot control the future, despite telling myself what will be will be and that I can't foresee what the future will hold no matter how much I think about it. I am the type of person who likes to feel they have control of a certain situation and likes to be able to plan everything so nothing is unexpected or comes as a surprise - but obviously this is not something I can do (or should aim to do) with every aspect in life. I worry about not finding a job which I enjoy/ feel comfortable in, or that I won't meet any new friends and will consequently end up being alone. Although I've never before had an issue with friends (I've always had a small but close group of friends whom I feel very comfortable with)  - I think a reason why I worry about this is  because I compare myself to other people all the time, more so recently. It's so easy to get taken in by the whirlwind of social media and look at a plethora of "profiles" which give a "greatest hits" version of their lives; making it look far more idyllic than what it is in reality. Actually, you'd probably be surprised to know how many of those people share the same issues as you. The more people you meet and get to know, the more you realise that nobody has a perfect life, everyone has their own battles they are fighting, some people just hide it better than others.

I think I have the tendency to think about everything I want out of life, and expect them to all happen now, but it's important to remember life doesn't work like that. Its very easy to get lost inside your own head and worry about the most ridiculous (but still understandable) things - but as soon as you talk to someone else about your worries and thoughts, you start to have a more rational and logical way of looking at things. Everyone has obstacles they have to get over, and just because life isn't working for you right now, you'll look back in 5 years time and realise how far you have come without even realising.

So as you can probably tell, I have been doing a lot of thinking recently, and (without meaning to sound preachy)have come to realise a few things:
1. Just because life is difficult right now, doesn't mean this is your life forever - things change and people change.
2. Social media can actually be the bain of your life - if you find yourself feeling miserable while scrolling through endless posts of your 'friends' gloating about their  job/ partner/money/ what an amazing time they're having on holiday for 2 months - get rid of them!! I recently had a mahoosive delete sesh on Facebook, I decided to be ruthless and delete pretty much everyone who I had no interest in (which was a lot of people!). Its actually a really refreshing task, so would definitely  encourage everyone to do the same!
3. Finally, 'friends' who make you feel bad about yourself, and don't support you when you are going through hard times, are not the kind of people you need in your life. I know ditching them may sound a bit extreme, but try and talk to or meet some new people which may have a more positive approach.
4. Talk to someone you trust if you're having a tough time. Whether that's parents, friends or great Aunty Sheila in Australia (watch the phone bill though!) . Just try offloading to someone who understands you, you'll be amazed at how much better you can feel. 
5. Don't beat yourself up if you are feeling down or upset. It happens to the best of us. The best thing you can do is admit you've got a problem or you need a bit of support and let someone give it to you. You know you'd be there for them if it was the other way round.

That was a much longer and more ramble-y post than I was expecting - so sorry if you got bored half way through, and congratulations if you made it till the end! I know everyone says it, but writing down your honest thoughts on stuff you're worrying about does really help. If nothing else, it  allows you to see things from a different perspective, and enables you to gain more clarity and offload. 


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